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HRRMC Wellness U offers "Cooking for Diabetes" class

Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center’s Wellness U is offering a four-week group “Cooking for salad with beef and vegetablesDiabetes” class. The class provides meals and highlights healthy eating habits, blood sugar control, medication use and lifelong diabetes management.

Classes will be held Thursdays, July 11-Aug. 1, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Wellness U Kitchen on the second floor of the HRRMC Outpatient Pavilion, 1000 Rush Dr., Salida.

This program is designed for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. One-on-one consultations are available, and family members are welcome.

Classes are free; a one-time $25 donation is suggested.

To register, go to or call (719) 530-2057.